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執筆者の写真Apro Travel Japan

Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan (Ice Village)



鹿追町の市街地から約30キロ。夏場は快適なドライブコースも、冬には積雪とアイスバーンに注意しながらの運転になる。何度も通ったことのある山道。けれど、毎年毎冬景色は少しずつ異なる。そして、30 回を数える冬の祭典「しかりべつ湖コタン」も年ごとにその趣を変える。今年のコタンはどんなだろう。アイスバーは? チャペルは? どんな新しい感動が待っているだろうか。コタンまで向かう山道ではいつもそんな風に考える。


Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan (Ice Village)

"Going to Kotan." Once that decision is made, the first step is to prepare the attire. The goal is to minimize the amount of exposed skin to the outside air. Thick leggings are a necessity. Wear thick socks and warm undergarments, then choose the coziest sweater from the dresser. A snowboarding jacket and pants, along with winter-proof boots. And of course, don't forget the hat, gloves, and hand warmers, just in case (of cold).

About 30 kilometers from the town of Shikaoi. In the summer, it's a comfortable driving route, but in winter, driving requires caution due to snow and icy roads. The mountain path that I've traveled countless times. However, the scenery changes a little bit every winter. And the winter festival that marks the 30th time, "Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan," changes its charm every year. What will this year's Kotan be like? The ice bar? The chapel? What new emotions are waiting? On the road to Kotan, I always think about these things.

In the summer, as you ascend and descend the mountain, you can catch glimpses of the lake through the trees from the car window. But in the winter, Lake Shikaribetsu is different. What you see there are white snowy expanses and several dome-shaped structures called igloos. I wonder when was the first time I visited. I remember the fresh surprise and confusion of being on the lake for the first time.


Upon arriving at the venue, the first stop was the "Ice Bar." Beautiful ice pillars stood here, and ice glasses awaited at the ice counter. Each handcrafted glass had a unique shape. Pouring cocktails of beautifully coordinated colors into these glasses enhanced their shine, and the ice slowly melted against the warmth of one's lips. While it might be frustrating to create a beautiful glass from scratch (yet, sipping cocktails from a glass you made yourself is truly special), enjoying a concert with a drink in hand is also wonderful. Singing, dancing – performers from Hokkaido and even Honshu gather on the snowy stage every weekend. The lively night at Lake Shikaribetsu. When you step out onto the lake, you can see winter constellations like the Big Dipper and Cassiopeia, as well as satellites flying through the gaps.


The open-air bath on the ice on a clear day is even more enjoyable than one can imagine. Even during the daytime, the average temperature is around minus 10 degrees Celsius over the lake. So, the idea of getting into an open-air bath on ice might seem daunting, but it's just a brief moment of enduring the cold before getting into the hot tub. The reddish-brown hot spring water seeps into the core of your body, and the gentle warmth lingers even after you leave the bath. Experiencing a bath on the lake is likely impossible elsewhere. Conversations exchanged with those present at that moment are also enjoyable.

朝、陽が昇ってから陽が沈み夜が更けていくまで、そして 1 月から 3 月までの間、日ごとに異なる姿を見せてくれるのも魅力のひとつであると思う。横なぐりの雪が吹き付ける吹雪の日。冴えわたる青空がまぶしい日。粉雪が降る日も、その日限りしか見られないコタンの顔だ。刻一刻と変わるその表情は多彩で見あきることがない。それも道内の天然の湖としては最も高い標高800メートルの地に息づく然別湖だからこそ。

From sunrise to sunset, as night falls, and throughout the months of January to March, the changing face of Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan is one of its charms. Days with snowstorms where snow blows sideways. Days with brilliant blue skies. Days with falling powder snow – each day showcases a unique aspect of Kotan that can only be witnessed on that day. Its ever-changing expressions are diverse and never tiresome. And it's all because Lake Shikaribetsu sits at an elevation of 800 meters, the highest among the natural lakes in Hokkaido.


A small village emerges on the frozen lake in winter – "Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan." What kind of face will it show next year? As I imagine the sight of Kotan slowly returning to the lake with the melting snow, I say to myself, "See you again next year." With that promise in my heart, I bid farewell to the lake.


「コタン」とは、アイヌ語で集落や村を意味する言葉。冬の一時期だけ凍結した湖の上に存在する幻の村として、昭和 57年から「しかりべつ湖コタン」は始まった。今では観光客は年間で 3万人を超え、平成 21年には「ふるさとイベント大賞」を受賞するなど、十勝鹿追町の冬の風物詩としてすっかり定着している。菅原さんは、その第 1 回目から第 30回目を迎えた今日まで、毎年休むことなく参加し、その中心メンバーの一人としてこのイベント運営に深く携わってきた。村⾧としてコタンの村作りをするのは、今年で 22回(第 2~11、19~30回)になる。目力の強い職人の塊のような風貌だが、人を迎え入れる心はいつもウェルカムだ。

Born from Challenges and Failures

The word "Kotan" comes from the Ainu language and means a village or settlement. As a mystical village existing only for a short period on the frozen surface of a lake during winter, "Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan" began in 1982. Now, with over 30,000 visitors annually, it has firmly established itself as a winter tradition in the Tokachi Shikaoi town, even winning the "Hometown Event Award" in 2009. From the first event to the 30th event, Sugawara has been participating without a break every year and has been deeply involved in the operation of this event as a core member. This year marks his 22nd time as the village head in creating the Kotan village (2nd to 11th, 19th to 30th events). Despite having the appearance of a formidable craftsman, his welcoming heart is always open.


きっかけは当時帯広市内でレストランを経営していた平林英明さん(初代村⾧)と然別湖畔にあるホテル風水で働いていた崎野隆一郎さん(第12~18回村⾧)、それと東京でカメラマンをしていた小松義夫さんの 3が冬の然別湖で遊ぶのに、イグルーを作り始めたのが始まりだった。


"It originally started as a form of play," Sugawara explained. In the first place, Kotan is quite distinct from the type of festival that originated from the flow of pioneering times, aiming to pray for a bountiful harvest, rather than being an event initiated by towns or business associations.

The beginning was when three individuals, Hideaki Hirabayashi (the first village head), Ryuichiro Sakino (12th to 18th village head), who was working at Hotel Fu-sui by Lake Shikaribetsu, and Yoshio Komatsu, a photographer in Tokyo, started building igloos to play around on the frozen Lake Shikaribetsu during the winter.

"When we thought about doing something on the vast snowy expanse, making snow huts didn't seem interesting because they exist on Honshu too. So, we thought if we're in Hokkaido, let's build igloos. That's how it started," they say. The emblematic igloo-building in Kotan began in 1980. Since then, a continuous dialogue between Kotan's staff and the nature of Lake Shikaribetsu began.


"Nature isn't harmed or dirtied. Kotan is created solely from the snow, ice, and water of Lake Shikaribetsu," Sugawara emphasizes. Work generally takes place in sub-zero temperatures. Beyond a certain point, higher temperatures could hinder the handling of snow and ice. "The colder it is, the easier the work becomes," they say, and it seems they've even worked in temperatures as low as -36 degrees Celsius. Building structures from the delicate materials of snow and ice, and meticulously arranging the interior, demands a level of attention far different from working with wood or concrete.


For the experienced staff involved in Kotan's construction, observing not only the frozen lake's conditions but also every change in nature within sight is crucial. They need to anticipate and predict what will happen next. Is the temperature suitable for work? How thick is the lake ice? How will the temperature and weather change? What's the expected snowfall for the year, and so on.


Sugawara reads nature based on the experiences he has accumulated so far, and he manages the work processes along with the core staff according to the natural conditions at the time. However, "the unpredictability of nature is what can suddenly happen." They built a structure that put too much weight on the ice covering the lake and sank it overnight, and walls made of snow flew away in strong winds due to being too thin. Countless mistakes were made during the 30 years of work. And with each failure, Sugawara says, "We realized our own immaturity." However, those failures gave birth to the determination of saying "this time for sure!" and the village grew year by year.


The Ice Bar, recognized for its high-level technology, even by Sweden's Ice Hotel, is a culmination of Kotan's years of experience. First-time visitors to Kotan step into the Ice Bar. The moment they enter, they instinctively hold their breath and widen their eyes. A beautiful world of ice and snow stretches throughout the building. The tranquil and enchanting atmosphere, akin to a fairy tale, absorbs the amazed exhales of people, leaving them speechless. Watching this scene while grinning is the greatest joy for all the Kotan staff, he says.


"We always think about what will make people amazed each time," Sugawara says with a smile. There are steps to create that amazement, and Sugawara emphasizes that merely doing the work isn't enough; it becomes a job. "Each individual's handcrafting conveys their feelings. There's a difference between something done as a forced job and something made with the intent to absolutely amaze. Because the hearts of the creators are different, the end result is completely different, right?" As digitalization and mechanization advance in this era, Kotan remains firmly on the analog path.



Bridging People

"I love Lake Shikaribetsu," Sugawara says with a slightly embarrassed smile. "Of course, I love the untouched nature here, but it's also because after continuing the kotan for 30 years, setting a single purpose every year and working towards it, there are comrades who gather to make this event happen. Originally, I enjoyed challenging myself and creating things in various ways, so in the kotan, all of that aligns perfectly. So, all in all, loving Lake Shikaribetsu encompasses all of that."


Sugawara sums up this sentiment with a single Japanese Kan-ji character, "絆" (bonds). A strong bond that connects the Kotan staff. Among the staff, there are several specialists for whom particular tasks are entrusted. Professionals handling water, professionals compacting snow, professionals cutting ice, professionals designing snow and ice structures – along with volunteers joining from abroad, numerous staff members unite to achieve a common goal. Their serious yet enjoyable work is beautiful. Even though the actual work site involves harsh cold and rigorous physical labor, the staff's eyes seem to sparkle. This radiance isn't solely due to the light reflecting off the snow and ice; it's the light of their passion.

「コタンに関わる人は、みんな人が好きなんだ。ボランティアで来る人の中には、悩んでいる人や迷っている人、人間関係が上手くいっていない人が今まで何人も来たよ。中には心 の病を癒して帰っていった人もいたしね。最初はほら、そんなこと全然分かんないんだけど、作業しながら仲間として打ち解けていくうちに心が開いていくんだ」。

"Everyone involved with Kotan loves people. Among the volunteers, many have come who were struggling, lost, or experiencing difficult relationships – a variety of people. Some have even healed their mental wounds and left. Initially, you see, you wouldn't understand all of that. But as you work together, you bond as comrades, and hearts open up."

これまでコタンのアイスチャペルで結婚式を挙げたカップルは 26 組。その中にはお互いがスタッフとして働き、コタンを通じ知り合ったカップルがゴールインするというケースも少なくない。1 月の後半から開村し、2ヵ月後には儚はかなくも溶けてなくなる氷上の夢物語。今年も氷上のチャペルでは新しい家族が生まれた。然別湖の自然が人を呼び、人がまた人を呼ぶ。コタンには自然を愛する人間同士の強い絆で結ばれた優しさと、情熱と、笑顔があった。菅原さんは、仲間との出会いと別れ、そして再会を果たす喜びを誰よりも楽しんでいるように思う。「遠く離れていても絆でつながるんだ」。菅原さんは最後にそうつぶやいた。

Over the years, 26 couples have held weddings in Kotan's Ice Chapel. Among them, some couples who met through Kotan's staff have tied the knot, having worked alongside each other. Starting in the latter half of January, Kotan opens, and the dreamlike story on the ice disappears, melting away in just two months. This year too, a new family was born in the ice chapel. Nature at Lake Shikaribetsu attracts people, and people in turn attract other people. Kotan is bound by the strong kindness, passion, and smiles of individuals connected through their love for nature. Sugawara seems to thoroughly enjoy the joy of encounters, partings, and reunions with comrades more than anyone else. "Even if we're far apart, we're connected by bonds." Sugawara murmurs these words in conclusion.


Partial translation from the 30th Lake Shikaribetsu Kotan Memorial Booklet

Revised on Aug. 17, 2023

H. Koshika



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