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The Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival 2024, Hokkaido

支笏湖氷濤まつり 2024(北海道)

The Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival is a representative winter festival in Hokkaido, showcasing the harsh climate of Lake Shikotsu. Using the unique atmosphere of Lake Shikotsu, known for its exceptional transparency, the festival creates various ice sculptures by spraying the lake water onto frameworks with sprinklers. During the day, the sculptures shimmer in natural blue, while at night, they are illuminated by colorful lights, inviting visitors into a fantastical world.

Entering the tunnel at the venue's entrance, visitors are greeted by cobalt-blue ice illuminated by the sunlight, radiating breathtaking beauty. Exiting the tunnel, towering ice sculptures, reaching tens of meters in height, welcome visitors. The grandeur is so overwhelming that some find themselves instinctively stopping in awe.

Moreover, the view from the observation deck made of ice is spectacular, offering a panoramic view of various sculptures. The "Ice Chandelier Dome" boasts exceptional transparency, attracting many visitors eager to capture its magical scenery in photographs.

The festival's distinctive feature lies in the beauty of the ice created by freezing the high-transparency water of Lake Shikotsu. Lake Shikotsu is a "nutrient-poor lake" with minimal plankton growth and no inflow of domestic wastewater, resulting in low turbidity. In 2002, it recorded a transparency of 30.7 meters. The ice made from Lake Shikotsu's water, with few impurities, appears pale blue when sunlight shines on it, hence the name "Lake Shikotsu Blue." As the sun sets, the venue is illuminated with a variety of lights, creating a surreal atmosphere. LED lights are used to prevent the ice from melting, and careful arrangements are made to embed lights into the ice sculptures for a more three-dimensional effect.

Every year, local volunteers work around the clock from the beginning of the year to create the festival's attractions. They repeatedly spray misty water, allowing it to freeze, to complete the sculptures. Highlights include intricately crafted works such as the 13-meter-tall festival symbol "Blue Tower" and the "Ice Wall" that glows Lake Shikotsu Blue in the sunlight.

The Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival is scheduled to be held from January 27 to February 25, 2024, and can be enjoyed from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. The entrance fee is 500 yen for high school students and above (free for junior high school students and below).

H. Koshika

Apro Travel Japan

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